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Fundraising Support for FJS 2020-2021

Fundraising support from our wonderful community 

  • A parent donated money for a Chrome Book.


  • Faringdon United Charity donated money to fund 12 Chrome Books.


  • We received a grant from Faringdon Town Council to fund 6 Chrome Books.


  • Perry Bishop and Chambers donated a Chrome Book.


  • Richard James Estate Agents has donated money towards a new charging trolley for our new Chrome Books.


  • GM Garden and Home Ltd. has donated money towards a new charging trolley for our new Chrome Books as well as a large number of watering cans and seeds for our Peace garden.


  • Concise Training have donated money to buy a set of gardening gloves for a whole year group to use in order to develop the Peace Garden.


  • Wicklesham Commercial Properties Ltd. donated money towards Children's learning which we will use towards our IT needs.


  • Waitrose, Faringdon, are donating seeds, compost and other items for the Peace Garden Project.


  • Lord Faringdon has donated money towards the Peace Garden.


  • A grandparent donated money towards resources for the school.


  • Howdens have donated 20 trugs


  • Tesco donated a gift card to fund plants and compost for the Peace Garden.


  • Mustard Seed donated money to support the Peace Garden and then have said they will offer some ongoing support with the project next year aswell.


  • P.Prichard Sheet Metal Ltd used the children's designs of our handkerchief tree and created a bespoke beautiful tree sculpture which will soon be on display.  They created this sculpture and delivered it completely free of charge for us.


A HUGE thank you for your kindness and generosity for our pupils.  We really appreciate this amazing support from our wonderful community. 


We are still needing support with a couple of projects in school (The Peace Garden and IT equipment).  If anybody else would like to support our projects please get in touch with us.  You can see the journey of our Peace Garden via the children tab on this website.
