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Year 6



Here are the PE days for each class.

If PE is at the beginning of the day, please could the children come in wearing PE kit and bring their school uniform with them to change into afterwards (including their school shoes).

If PE is at the end of the day, please could the children come in wearing their school uniform with their PE kit ready to change into. They can then wear their PE kit home and take their uniforms with them in a bag.

If the children have pierced ears they will need to either take their earrings out for PE or bring some tape with them to cover them. Long hair will also need to be tied back so they will need a hair tie. 


6H -

Wednesday (beginning of the day)

Thursday (end of the day)


6M - 

Tuesday (beginning of the day) 

Thursday (beginning of the day)


6MC - 

Tuesday (beginning of the day)

Friday (beginning of the day)

Google Classroom and Mathswatch


Each child in Year 6 will have a log in to access the Year 6 Google Classroom for 2021-2022. All children will have logged in at school and been shown how to use this. There are also instructions available to download below. All children will also have a log in for Mathswatch and will have been shown how to use this in school too. 


Google Classroom

On Google Classroom, you will find any homework that has been given to the Year 6s with the deadline date labelled. If a child needs to self-isolate while they wait for a covid test result, the work being completed in class will also be available on Google Classroom for them to access. In addition to this, children will be using Google Classroom during computing lessons in school and you will see assignments relating to this on the Classwork page.



Maths homework will be set on Mathswatch and the children will be told when this has been uploaded, with a reminder being placed on Google Classroom too. Mathswatch is also a great resource for video explanations of the maths we have been doing in class, and children are encouraged to use it to help them with their homework or anything they would like more practice on.
