Nurturing Well being and Reflection Outdoors
We are working with a consultant, Rachel Woods (Gardening The Heart) to support our children with the Covid Impact Recovery with an outdoor focus. This is the ideal time to reconnect with our Peace Garden area that has been unavailable for us to use for over three years whilst the building work has been ongoing.
The handkerchief tree is at the heart of the school and although it has not been a focal point recently, we want to bring it back to be an area of reflection and well being.
The staff and pupils will be participating in the design of the area whilst complementing the core curriculum and integrating outdoor creative processes such as gardening, therapeutic horticultural practice and nature based engagement with Eco Schools and reflective practices.
This work will build on the existing strengths of the school community to inspire staff and pupil participation in the project.
We will welcome and celebrate any support that is offered by the wider Faringdon community to help us with this venture.
Please keep checking the page to follow our journey.
Mrs Farrell